Things to avoid when applying i-tip hair extensions - Hair Made Easi

Things to avoid when applying i-tip hair extensions

Here are some things to avoid when applying i-tip hair extensions:

  • Applying the extensions too close to the scalp. This can cause damage to the hair follicles and lead to hair loss.
  • Using too much tension when applying the extensions. This can also cause damage to the hair follicles and lead to hair loss.
  • Not using the correct size of i-tip for your hair. Using the wrong size can cause the extensions to be too loose or too tight, which can both lead to damage.
  • Not using high-quality materials. Using low-quality materials can increase the risk of damage to your hair and the extensions.
  • Not following the aftercare instructions. This can lead to the extensions becoming tangled, matted, or damaged.

It is important to follow the instructions of a qualified hair stylist when applying i-tip hair extensions. This will help to ensure that the extensions are applied correctly and that your hair is protected from damage.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding damage when applying i-tip hair extensions:

  • Choose a reputable salon and stylist. A qualified stylist will have the experience and expertise to apply the extensions correctly and to protect your hair from damage.
  • Make sure your hair is healthy before you get the extensions applied. Damaged hair is more likely to break, so it is important to get your hair in good condition before you get the extensions applied.
  • Ask about the aftercare instructions. Once the extensions are applied, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions carefully. This will help to keep the extensions looking their best and lasting for as long as possible.

By following these tips, you can help to avoid damage when applying i-tip hair extensions.


“➊ The itip sticking out of the top of the bead

We don’t want the itip to poke the scalp
when she puts her hair up

The itip should be aligned at the top of the bead

➋ Elevation

Elevation will push the Itip and bead out, splitting the natural hair and showing itself

Not only that, but the tension from the elevation behind the bead can cause breakage

➌ Uneven Distribution

The Itip should be sitting right in the middle on top of the natural hair

If you have any of these happen to you…

The great thing about i tips is that you can open back up the bead and fix it.”

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