Lets Talk Pricing - Hair Made Easi

Lets Talk Pricing

Dec 15, 2021Nicola Wood


We start by designing products that we feel are needed to eliminate problems that we face each day in the salon. The ideas start as scribbles on paper and we consider everything possible before we take the final drawings to a company that creates our product designs. This can take months and months until we are happy with the final product. 


There is an exact science to pricing products and it's not easy.

We use the same calculations for each new product we bring to the market. We have to take into consideration:
  • The time it takes to design the product
  • Cost of the design company
  • Cost of setting up materials that are needed to start the manufacturing process
  • Price break for wholesale customers
  • Overheads (marketing, office, bills, etc.)
  • Staff costs for team members involved in the design process


Once our designs are ready, we search the U.K. for the best manufacturers within the specific industry needed and meetings are set up with the ones that we feel will fit best with the Hair Made Easi team. We also try to keep everything as local as possible to lower our carbon footprint. For most products there are set up charges for cutting tools, design costs and injection mouldings that have costs of up to £15k!


  • Product design - £2K
  • Tooling - £15K
  • Product Manufacturing - £5K each order
  • Tooling Maintenance - £2K each year
  • Packaging - £4K each order
  • Suction Cups - £2K each order
  • Adhesive Pads - £1K each order


We are very proud that over 80% of our products sold are made right here in Manchester (close to our office) and that means fair pay for labour costs. A small proportion of products are not available from manufacturers in the U.K. (and trust me, we search high and low!) so our prices are kept to a minimum on these products as labour costs are much lower.


As a hair extensions specialist for over 13 years, our MD designs the majority of the product ideas but we all have an input with the end results. We also have the support of an amazing WhatsApp group (you know who are ladies) that we take some product ideas to and we discuss how we can improve designs to help make things easier for you all.


As with any other growing business, there are lots of overheads to pay for. Including:

  • Staffing costs - as our customer base grows so does our team.
  • We also have office costs and as we have just expanded with a new office these costs have also increased.
  • In addition technology costs due to computers needed and keeping up to date with the latest softwares.


  • We invest all profits straight back into the business so that we can work on new products to help your work load the easiest it can possibly be
  • We have a vision to create every product needed, revolutionising the hair extension world, creating products at affordable prices
  • Our products will change the way you work forever and there is no going back once you've tried them!
  • Our products pay for themselves by increasing your profits with the time saved (time is money and the more time, using our products, you save the more clients you can see!)


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