Solving Payment Issues
If you come across any issues when using credit or debit cards for your purchase please take a look at some of the reasons why this might be happening.
- Incorrect CVV number- Please check that you have added the correct CVV number ( the three or four-digit number on your card that adds an extra layer of security) for the card being used to make the payment.
- Incorrect billing address/ shipping address- please check that the billing address/ shipping address corresponds to the debit/ credit card being used to make the payment.
- Incorrect postcode- This is a common mistake made that will block they payment transaction, so please check before submitting.
- Bank fraud filter- This is put in place by the customers bank. This can be because there have been many transactions within a short space of time and is to protect the customer. If this is the reason why your payment is not being processed please contact your bank directly.